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You’ve gained the knowledge. Now make it official by sitting and passing your exam. In doing so, you’ll join the globally recognized community of IECB-certified professionals and be in a position to promote your achievement.


The IECB offer two options to sit your examinations.


Option 1 – For Classroom based courses, Instructors work in conjunction with Invigilators to host paper based exams. It is not a pre-requisite that you sit the exam immediately after your course. Speak with your ATP to understand more about this option.


Option 2 – For our Live Online delivery, exams are a combination of in-course Quizzes and Exercises, evaluated by your instructor team, and a final 12 question, essay type final paper, all designed to ensure your ability to apply what you have learned. This, in simple terms means you sit the exam at home or in your office, just as you had done for the course itself. Once you have completed your training course, (whether it be via an ATP or our self study route), you will be tasked with sitting the exam on the afternoon of your final training day. You’ll get all the instruction you need, directly from your Instructor.


Exam Criteria – As exams are time restricted and confidential, delegates are provided the ability to take the exam remotely, only if they meet three simple criteria;


  • Quiet, private location
  • Reliable computer with a web camera and microphone.
  • Strong internet connection.

As our testing is not limited to Invigilator or proctor availability, you will not only be able to sit the exam as part of your scheduled training delivery, but also submit your exam papers in the same methodology. This not only simplifies the exam process but allows for immediate scoring of your paper.

All IECB exams have a minimum 70% pass mark, and do require delegates to refer to the course materials for answers and guidance. Most of our exams are capped at 180 minutes duration, some Foundation level exams being shorter. Exam papers are scored by a separate evaluation team, with scores being provided within 24 hours of submission, where practicable.

Schedule an Exam

I Have Already Purchased an IECB Certification Exam. How Do I Schedule my Exam?
  • All examinees purchasing an exam voucher will be provided with a unique code – please keep this safe
  • All examinees will then be contacted by our Admin team within 24 hours of purchase and provided with the next available exam slots.
  • Choose your preferred date and time, then advise the Admin team
  • The Admin team will then provide you with both confirmation of your exam time slot and an access link

Purchase Your Exam

I Would Like to Purchase an IECB Exam. How Do I Purchase with This Option?

Simply purchase your exam of choice through the IECB store. As soon as you receive your Exam Voucher from us, our Admin team will contact you with available time slots.

If you have already purchased your course, you do not need to purchase an additional certification exam voucher.

Purchase Your Exam

Exam Success

For those delegates who are successful in the exam, there is no waiting period for results. Rather, delegates will be advised within 24 hours of their passing score, via the email associated with their account.

Digital Exam Credentials

We are partnered with Credly (previously Acclaim) for the provision of digital credentials.
  • Promote your achievement on Social Media and to potential employers through Credly’s Credential verification tools
  • Make yourself visible to employers Credly’s Talent Directory
  • Supporting the gig economy – verification available anywhere, anytime
  • Access employment market insights
  • Share to your mobile wallet for on-the-job credential verification

Find out more by accessing Credly’s research paper on “The Future of Work: How Digital Credentials are going to be more impactful than Ever”

Didn’t pass first time? We offer a free resit within a 12 month window for any delegates who do not pass their Foundation exam first time. Our Training providers also offer free access to training materials over the same period – all designed to ensure your success.